Credentialing Pre-Application QuestionnairePlease complete the form below. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Spouse's Name (if applicable) Have you been born again? * Yes No Have you been baptized in water by immersion? * Yes No Have you received baptism in the Holy Spirit with initial physical evidence of tongues? * Yes No Do you sense a call to ministry and can you articulate it? * Yes No Completed Education * AG College/University Berean/Global MS-SOM Newly enrolled in Bible courses Please specify. * What church are you currently attending? * Are you married? * Yes No Do you or your spouse have a former spouse still living? * Yes No Please specify the reason for the divorce: Although the Assemblies of God disapproves of divorce there are some cases in which you or your spouse can apply for an exception. We will contact you with further details if necessary. More information can be found on our website. Have you ever declared bankruptcy? * This does not disqualify you. Yes No Do you have any felony or misdemeanor charges on your record? * Yes No If you answered yes to the previous question, are you currently on probation? * Yes No Thank you for your answers! \Our credentialing assistant will be in contact with you soon. We will set you up in our system where you can submit all of your documents in one place. We look forward to working with you! Thank you! We will be in touch soon.